Hello everyone.

Except for a brief addendum to an order made in a criminal matter, the Court of Appeal only released civil law decisions this week, which is rare. Topics covered included whether or not leave to appeal a vesting order made on a receivership sale under the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act is required (it

Hello Again,

The Court of Appeal released a number of civil decisions this week with topics including the conversion of bills of exchange issued by a fraudulent employee and the fictitious and non-existent payee defences under the Bills of Exchange Act that protect banks, conflicts of interest in the solicitor-client relationship, family law, adverse possession

Hello again for another week,

The Court of Appeal released a fair number of civil decisions this week on a variety of topics, but nothing groundbreaking. Perhaps the most interesting was a successful claim against a bank for knowing assistance of breach of trust on the part of a banking customer, which provides another example